There are many ways to hide a receding hairline, let's discover together which is the  male haircut that best matches your style, face shape and personality.


Receding Hairline: Different haircuts for different personalities.

Have you ever wondered which hairstyle is the most suitable for you? If you have receding hairline or have thinning hair, make your choice considering which is your personality as well as the shape of your face.

Personality ... remember this word because it will come in handy.

There are basic rules that can be used to help us understand the best haircuts for those who have receding hairline  ... and who would like to see it as little as possible.

A haircut for a receding hairline can be a long one…but only in a few cases to be honest …

It may be more frequently a general short cut for men, or you can also opt for shaved hair.

But not only this.. you have other cards to play to hide the thinning, or rather, to divert attention …

So let's get down to it.

Thanks to the contribution of Kmax styling experts and Francesca Rocco, hairdresser and specialist in trichology, we will discover:

  1. A long haircut for men with thinning hair who likes to dare 
  2. Haircut for men with high forehead and receding hairline
  3. A short haircut for a receding hairline
  4. Shaved hair with a receding hairline
  5. .. and one more trick to hide the thinning

Let's start with one of the hairstyles for balding men that you don't expect..


1. The haircut for men with thinning hair who likes to dare

If you are young or want to give a lot of personality to your look, grow your hair and opt for a bun.

Unusual, original and above all, it works!

The chignon, in the classic version or with side shaving, can fit to slightly or medium hair.

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It is a charismatic look also highly appreciated by women. It gives an original touch, regardless of your usual style.

Sporty? Rocker? Dandy? These three options, although very different, all go very well with the chignon.

Any advice to complete this daring haircut for a receding hairline?

Don't underestimate side B! We are talking about Beard. 

In the case of long hair gathered in the bun, the beard does not have the function of giving character, this hairstyle is in itself sufficiently original. The beard, rigorously well cared of, in this case can finalise the harmony between head and face, further framing the look.

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The extra tip:

If among the various haircut options for balding men this is the one that suits you best, avoid pulling your hair excessively backwards so as not to stress the follicles, and give the  final touch using a fixing spray to mantain it in place for hours.


2. The haircut for men with high forehead and receding hairline

Another  trick to hide the receding hairline is to play with lengths, creating a stylish disconnected hairstyle that, with slight differences, can suit all types of hair.

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As Francesca Rocco suggests:

"If the man has little hair, receding hairline, high forehead, but does not have an important thinning out, a short cut laterally and behind is fine, keeping a longer length on the upper part. In this case you can play with different lengths, dare a shave on the sides and in the back, no matter if you have straight, wavy or curly hair. "


The extra tip:

"The longer the hair on top of the head, the more appropriate it will be to help yourself with a style gel or an ointment.”

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3. A short cut for a receding hairline

Many men, even those accustomed to wearing medium-length hair, prefer to shorten their hair length when the first signs of baldness appear.


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If you are among them, the look for men with little hair that Francesca recommends is a short haircutting:

"For the man who has a more important thinning out, I would recommend a very short but unshaven cut, creating a pleasant messy effect."


The extra tip:

With a thinning out and short hair, the skin is particularly exposed to sunlight. It is therefore important to use a sun protection if you are very outdoor person, during the whole spring and summer period (and not only when at the sea!!).


4. Shaved hair and receding hairline

The shaving is suitable for medium or accentuated receding hairline.

But be careful, shaving also works as an option while keeping a few millimeters of hair.

"The man who does not want to waste time with hairstyles and who feels comfortable in daring, can choose a total shaving, combining it with a more or less long beard," advises the hair stylist.

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The extra tip:

Did you know that hair cosmetics like keratin microfibers work well even on a few millimeters of hair?

They will instantly give you a thicker hair look,  and the use of a fixing spray will give the final touch for a hair look able to resist even if it rains.


… and one more trick to hide the thinning.

One of the tricks to make something less evident is always to focus attention on something else. And here we go back to talk about the beard factor.

"The beard is an excellent trick to divert attention from the hair by attracting it to the face, highlighting and giving more charisma to the eye", Francesca concludes. 

With the same principle, a refined eyewear or a personal accessory such as a scarf can become a real personal brand to make your style unique and full of personality.

That’s the way it is: thanks to the right cut and following your personal style hiding the receding hairline will be a breeze.